Mission Statement
The purpose of the Friends of Dorothea Dix Park is to promote the
establishment and support of a "World Class Destination Park" in North
Carolina's Capital City on the Dorothea Dix campus, saving the existing
open space and preserving the historically significant buildings.

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Compare the FDDP Park Plan and the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Development Plan
News & Observer Letter to the Editor
By Joseph Huberman
Your headline "Meeker champions park at Dix " could just have
honestly read "Meeker champions 2,000 unit subdivision and 1.2
million sq/ft office park at Dix" the sub head could be “Park is
given un-buildable floodplain and hillsides”.
While the ULI team proposed a governance structure and funding plan
that have merit, they dropped the ball on their land use plan.
We were promised that the ULI team would look at the big picture, but
that is not what they did. They kept a narrow focus on the undeveloped
state owned property and did nothing substantially different from the
previous development proposals except to make the developments bigger.
We need to take a larger view. Look at the surrounding neighborhoods.
Look at the under used property right on the Dix borders. A great park
will increase the value of that land so that development will naturally
flow to it, and the financing plan the team suggested will work in the
adjacent areas as well. The narrow plan that ULI suggested turns its back
on the neighborhoods along most of the privately held land suitable for
development, and that is the land along Lake Wheeler Road that in the ULI
plan is separated from the park by a suburban development and an office
If there is one thing that Raleigh doesn't need to do with its last
opportunity to build an urban park of the stature of NY's Central Park, it
is to build another office park, shopping center, and housing development
along the I-40/440 corridor. For proof of that, just look five miles on
either side of the Lake Wheeler and Gorman Street exits.
What the City, State, and University can do, is leverage the park as an
economic engine to improve and develop the properties around it. The same
Tax Increment Financing (which does not increase the tax rate on anyone)
can be used to raise money to fund the Mental Health Trust Fund, support
the building of the great park and restoration of the historic structures.
The same DHHS office rental funding stream that ULI suggested will work on
offices built on a more compact footprint or in a more appropriate
location. If that location turns out to be adjacent to existing services,
it will save the huge expense of building infrastructure on virgin land.
Raleigh is on its way to becoming a world class city, what ever that
means! Well one of the things that means is that it has a signature world
class park.
That said, the ULI plan can be the framework to build the park, offices
and residences as well as jump start the economic engine to begin the
Mental Health Trust Fund.
With the political will and within the ULI framework the citizens,
governments and university can:
- Restore the historic core respecting the "sense of place"
described in the National Historic Register and maintain the scale of
the open space between buildings.
- Include public amenities that park visitors appreciate within the
historic core and among the buildings used for offices by DHHS and
- Develop an urban core with the capacity suggested by the ULI team,
but with a small footprint for the dwellings, shops, and offices,
creating a walkable spacious urban community.
- And finally, we won't settle for the third class goal of a LEEDS
silver rating, but will create a true 21st century model with the help
of the NCSU urban design department that will be the envy of every
city in the world -- a sustainable multi-use development with no less
than a Platinum rating.
Joseph Huberman
Member of the Dix Study Commission
Member of the Board of Director for the Friends of Dorothea Dix Park
Past member of the Raleigh Parks and Greenway Advisory Commission
Past member of three Raleigh Park Master Plan Committees